Month: February 2022
Differences Between Mediation And Collaborative Law Process
Many people call my office confused about the differences between the Collaborative Law Process and Mediation. Both methodologies are designed to assist clients resolve their marital issues in a respectful and dignified manner, but there are important differences. For...
Common challenges of divorcing near retirement age
Divorce can occur anytime, regardless of the couple's age and marriage length. Still, divorcing later in life comes with unique challenges. That is why couples going through this situation must understand the implications of the procedure. This type of divorce is also...
How does inheritance affect asset division in high-asset divorce?
High-asset divorces often involve complex financial matters, including the division of inheritance. Inheritance affects asset division significantly, depending on how the spouses handle the inheritance during the marriage. Understanding how Ohio state law treats...
How is spousal support determined in long-term marriages?
Spousal support, also known as alimony, is often a key issue in divorce cases, especially in long-term marriages. Spousal support aims to help the lower-earning spouse maintain financial stability after divorce. The court considers various factors to decide the...
How mediation adapts to address blended families in divorce
Blended families, where parents bring children from previous relationships, are more common today. This creates new challenges in divorce mediation, as families need plans that work for all children involved. Ohio’s family laws allow mediation to help parents reach...
Benefits of Collaborative Divorce
One of the most, if not the most, important benefit of the Collaborative Process, is how it is designed to lessen adversarial conflict between the parties. The traditional adversarial litigation/Court model of divorce proceedings often creates an environment that...
Is my spouse entitled to half my business after a divorce?
When facing a divorce, the fate of your business can be a significant concern. The division of property, including business assets, depends on whether the business falls under the category of marital or separate property. Understanding this distinction is crucial in...
A Rational Approach To The 3 Biggest Areas Of Concern For Divorce
When couples separate, or divorce, spouses must find a way to resolve their differences on all relevant issues. Collaborative Practice is designed to minimize conflict while working together toward those resolutions. Parties to divorce, their attorneys and any other...
8 Tips For Avoiding Financial Disaster During Your Divorce
Divorce can be a financial disaster for both parties. However, with good planning you can reduce your financial risk substantially. Here are some planning tips for an impending divorce. Perform good record keeping - Collect all your financial records. If you are...
Do you have to sell your home in a divorce?
When going through a divorce, the division of marital property is a key concern. These discussions often focus on the family home, which is usually the most valuable asset. Ohio courts follow equitable distribution principles, meaning the division is fair but not...