How Earning Ability Can Affect Alimony
Under Ohio law, “spousal support” is the legal term for alimony. Whatever you call it, Hyde Park alimony attorney John Heilbrun can help you navigate your divorce or dissolution proceeding, including the often complex issue of spousal support.
An agreement to pay of spousal support should be fair to both members of a divorcing couple. Please call experienced alimony attorney John Heilbrun today at 513-321-3940 to begin building your case. Mr. Heilbrun is proud to serve clients in Hyde Park and the general Greater Cincinnati area.
The Role of Income in Alimony Cases
One of the most contentious issues in any Ohio divorce or dissolution case is the allocation of future income between spouses. To try to ensure that the lifestyle you enjoyed during marriagediminishes as little as possible after your divorce or dissolution, it’s important to find an alimony attorney who will fight for your rights if spousal support becomes an issue.
Although the Domestic Relations Court takes into account many different factors when deciding whether or not a spouse qualifies for alimony/spousal support, one of the most substantial is the difference in the earnings and/or relative earning ability of both parties after the marriage ends. Generally speaking, the chances of one spouse being entitled to alimony/spousal support increase significantly if the other spouse was the primary source of income during the marriage, and there is a significant disparity in the income and earning capacity of the spouses.
Defining Earning Ability
In considering the earning ability of either spouse, the court will consider:
- Education level of each spouse
- Physical or mental health issues that might prevent or limit one of the spouse’s ability to find and maintain gainful employment
- Parental responsibilities, and how practical it would be for the spouse primarily responsible for a child to work outside of the home
- How much time and money it will take one of the spouses to get necessary education or training before finding a job
- The employment and earnings history of both spouses
Mr. Heilbrun can answer your questions about spousal support and help you determine the best way to proceed with an alimony claim in your divorce proceeding. If you and your spouse are ending your marriage, please contact The Law Office of John Heilbrun today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Heilbrun serves clients in or around Hyde Park, and the rest of Greater Cincinnati.