Month: December 2023
It Takes Two Lawyers Trained in the Collaborative Process to Provide Competent Representation
Like marriage, the Collaborative Process takes two; two spouses and two lawyers. Inherent in any of the different processes available to end a marriage, whether it be litigation, mediation or Collaborative Practice, there are competing interests surrounding division...
How does collaborative divorce keep things private in Ohio?
Collaborative divorce gives couples a more private way to end their marriage compared to going to court. In Ohio, couples can talk about personal, family, and money issues in a safe, private space instead of a public courtroom. This helps keep sensitive information...
How to uncover hidden assets in a high-asset divorce
When a divorce involves substantial assets, one spouse might be tempted to conceal some assets to gain a financial advantage in the divorce settlement. The party suspecting the other of concealing property or income might wonder how to uncover hidden assets. ...
How does mediation benefit same-sex couples in divorce?
Same-sex couples face unique challenges when going through a divorce. Mediation offers a helpful and peaceful way to handle these issues. It provides a private space where couples can create agreements that meet their specific needs. Unlike going to court, mediation...
Why do high-asset divorces need forensic accounting?
Going through a high-asset divorce can be challenging. When significant assets are involved, it is important to divide things fairly. This is where forensic accounting can help. Understanding how it can help you during a high-asset divorce is important. What is...
Helping Your Kids Survive Emotionally During The Divorce Process
Divorce creates uncertainty in the lives of children of divorcing parents. It's not uncommon for children to blame themselves for the problems that occurred in the marriage. They may think that if only they had been a little better or more fun, the marriage would have...
What happens to luxury items in a high-asset divorce?
High-asset divorces often involve valuable possessions like jewelry collections, yachts, and other luxury items. In Ohio, these items are considered marital property if acquired during the marriage. Dividing them can become a complicated process, requiring careful...
FAQs about the difference between an annulment and a divorce
If you are considering ending your marriage, you might wonder whether an annulment or a divorce is the right choice. While both end a marriage, they are very different processes. It is helpful to understand some common questions and answers about the differences...
Dissolution Vs Collaborative Divorce
Inevitably, in the field of domestic relations, every client who seeks out an attorney comes looking for answers. How much time? How much money? How much will these personal and private conflicts cost me? How much can I expect to receive? How much of this and how much...
Do you have a post-divorce plan? Here’s why you need one
Divorce is a life-changing event that affects more than just your marital status. Wrapping up your divorce proceedings can leave you feeling lost and unsure how to proceed with your new life. Fortunately, creating a post-divorce plan can help you confidently navigate...