Dividing Property in Ohio Divorce Cases
Deciding how the property and debts are to be divided is a core part of any divorce or dissolution case. If you are going to be going through a complex dissolution or divorce, experienced Cincinnati/Hyde Park attorney John Heilbrun can help you.
Property and debt division can be complicated as the court must sort through whether certain property is marital, separate or a combination of the two. That determination can be critical to how various property and debt will be divided between the spouses upon the ending of their marriage. The type of property in question can encompass everything including the family home, vacation property, rental property, retirement benefits, bank accounts, mutual funds, stocks and bonds and automobiles.
In Ohio, marital property and debt are to be divided equitably. The starting point for an equitable division is equal, but if the court determines that equal is not equitable in a specific case, the court has the discretion to make an unequal division.
As for separate and mixed property, generally, such property will be awarded to the spouse who is the owner of the separate property interest, although again, if equity dictates otherwise, the court will divide such property in the manner it deems equitable.
If your marriage may be ending by dissolution or divorce, you need an attorney who can help you navigate the complex issues that may arise, including the determination as to whether property is marital, separate or mixed. Please contact the Law Office of John Heilbrun today to schedule your consultation. Mr. Heilbrun serves clients in the Hyde Park, Blue Ash, Lebanon and other parts of Greater Cincinnati.