Understanding Full Disclosure in Collaborative Divorce
The collaborative divorce process will likely make the process of ending your marriage more amicable, which will hopefully somewhat reduce the stress associated with this event. You need a qualified Cincinnati collaborative divorce attorney to help you through the collaborative process and to be certain that you get all the information necessary in order to enter into a fair and reasonable agreement with your spouse that will work for you, your spouse and your children.
If you think that a collaborative divorce may be right for you, please call Cincinnati collaborative divorce attorney John Heilbrun today at 513-321-3940 to schedule a consultation.
How Collaborative Divorce Works
The collaborative divorce process provides couples a way to jointly resolve the issues related to their decision to end their marriage. You and your spouse will work with a team of professionals, including both of your attorneys, to create an agreement that will work best for you and your children. In addition to your attorneys, members of the team may include a financial adviser as well as a family relations specialist.
Honesty Is the Only Policy
An integral part of the collaborative agreement is that both spouses agree not to conceal material and relevant information from one another during the proceeding. Violating this full disclosure obligation is a material breach of the agreement. Complying with full disclosure means that you and your spouse must disclose all pertinent details including financial status (income, assets and debts), and any fact that may affect issues involving the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities or spousal support decisions.
If either spouse violates the full disclosure requirement, that is likely to result in the end of the collaborative process if the violation is discovered before the case is finalized. If the concealment is discovered after the case has been concluded, this could result in the re-opening of the case with significant adverse consequence to the spouse who concealed the information.
Please contact the Law Office of John Heilbrun today to schedule a consultation to discuss the Collaborative process in detail. Mr. Heilbrun serves clients in Cincinnati, Blue Ash, Hyde Park, Lebanon and the surrounding areas.