What Are the Requirements for Filing a Petition for Divorce in Ohio?

Technically, it is a Complaint for Divorce in Ohio, and a Petition for Dissolution. The process for filing a Complaint for Divorce involves the preparation of a document called a Complaint. In that Complaint certain jurisdictional facts regarding the residency of the party within the State of Ohio and within the county in which that person resides must be set forth, as well as the date of the parties’ marriage, the identity and dates of birth of all minor children, and the issues that need to be determined based on the ending of the marriage. That document will also include a brief request stating how the spouse filing the Complaint for Divorce would like those issues to be decided. The Court also requires that a variety of other forms and pleadings be prepared and filed along with the Complaint.
In addition, along with the Complaint for Divorce, a party may request the issuance of Temporary Orders allocating rights and responsibilities between the parties related to their minor children while the case is pending, including a requested parenting time schedule and the allocation of child support responsibilities. In certain cases, the party filing the Divorce action may also request an Order for Temporary Spousal Support to be paid by one spouse for the support of the other while the case is pending.