Statistics on divorce in Hamilton County
If you are thinking about ending your marriage, it is important to evaluate your circumstances carefully. If you have kids, you should think about family law matters such as custody and child support. If you have a high net worth, it is smart to look into property division and the possibility of spousal support.
Moreover, you should go over statistics on the prevalence of divorce. In Hamilton County, many couples end their marriage each year. This should serve as a reminder that you are not alone, and you should not feel guilty or ashamed for bringing your marriage to an end.
Divorce data in Hamilton County
According to data published by Hamilton County’s official website, more than 2,000 divorces and dissolutions took place in this county alone over the course of 2021. Hamilton County saw more than 1,000 divorces, annulments and legal separations, as well as 963 legal separations in 2021. A majority of these cases involved couples without children, and more divorces, legal separations and annulments occurred in June than any other month during 2021.
Every divorce is unique
Even though many couples get divorced, everyone is in a different position when it comes to the divorce process. Therefore, you need to take an individualized approach to your divorce. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to work together with your spouse to end your marriage in an amicable manner. However, this does not work for everyone, such as domestic violence victims.
Divorce can have a lasting impact on your life, so make sure you are thoroughly prepared for what could lie ahead.